1. They Remember Their sins
Some people fall into the habit of judging others by their sins while forgetting their own. They may not even think the sins they’ve committed are all that bad. This is a sign of weak Muslim.
A believer sees his sins as if he were sitting under a mountain which he is afraid may fall on him, whereas the wicked person considers his sins as flies passing over his nose and he just drives them away like this.
Related in Bukhari
2. They Mind Their Business
How do people fall into gossiping and backbiting? By not minding their own business. These people hear a rumour or a tale, and before the next prayer comes in, they’ve spread it to a dozen other people. And then those people turn around and do the same thing.
If only we would remember what Allah says in His book:
And do not obey every worthless habitual swearer.
(And) scorner going about with malicious gossip.
A preventer of good, transgressing and sinful.
Chapter 68 verses 10-12
3. They Say What is Good
This goes hand in hand with the previous habit. Whereas Habit #2 was just to mind your own business and not say evil, Habit #3 is encouragement to say good.
Anyone who believes in Allah and the last day, should speak good or keep quiet.
Related in Bukhari
4. They Keep Good Company
If you want to fulfill the previous three habits, you should be around people who want the same. You’ll find yourself very ineffective if you’re always surrounded by people who think they’re better than others, are always minding other people’s business, and cannot say good.
Consider the following Hadith:
A good friend and a bad friend are like a perfume-seller and a blacksmith: The perfume-seller might give you some perfume as a gift, or you might buy some from him, or at least you might smell its fragrance. As for the blacksmith, he might singe your clothes, and at the very least you will breathe in the fumes of the furnace.
Related in Bukhari
5. They Do Not Procrastinate
How many people owe days of fasting from the last Ramadan but put them off for months? Some people have to rush to get these days in just weeks or even days before the next Ramadan begins.
How many people have money and the health to make Hajj but wait years and years to make it? Some people wait until they reach old age and have to to visit the Kaaba with multiple illnesses and difficulties.
How many people routinely procrastinate in making their daily prayers? The best of these procrastinators rush to get their prayer in before time is out. The worst completely miss the prayers due solely to procrastination.
Procrastinating in your daily duties is bad enough. Please don’t procrastinate with the orders of Allah.
6. They Put Their Trust in Allah
There are many verses in the Quran instructing us to put our trust in Allah. But I’m going to only quote one of them:
And (Allah) will provide for him from where he does not expect. And puts their trust in Allah – then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a (decreed) measure.
Chapter 65 verse 3
We often fall into the trap of putting our trust in the creation. We ask help from people who cannot help us. We complain to people who have no authority. Instead, we should seek help and complain to Allah Almighty.
7. They Remain Mindful of Allah
This is the most important habit of them all.
If you do not remember Allah, you will not think of your own sins and seek repentance for them.
If you do not remember Allah, you will not try to avoid His punishment by minding your own business without falling into backbiting and slander.
If you do not remember Allah, you will not try to seek His favor by saying what is good.
If you do not remember Allah, you will not seek out good company who are also focused on remembering Allah.
If you do not remember Allah, you will never be able to put your trust in Him and will always look for help from those who can do you no good.
These are not the only things we can do to become effective Muslims. I’m sure you can think of many more habits that will bring you closer to Allah and improve your daily life. But these seven habits of highly effective Muslims is a great place to start.
May Allah make it easy for you and me to implement these habits every day of our lives.